An efficient solution for processing all materials designed to process even hardest materials.

Powerful spindle, unparalleled accuracy, the possibility of installing an automatic blank changer, 5 continues active axis and other features of the device bring users the utmost precision and power.

میلینگ سی فایو c5

Features of C5 plus milling

  • 5 continues active axis
  • Wet and dry milling
  • Electrospindel 3200W brand JAGER Germany
  • Brushless axis moving motors with Servo technology along with absolute encoders
  • Laser rulers on linear axis
  • 18 tools with 6mm shank
  • Possibility of milling wide range of materials
  • Touch screen with Windows operating system
  • Tool lifetime measurement system
  • The possibility of installing an automatic block changer (5 to 10 blocks to order)
  • Duplicated tool management (Optional)
  • Axis rotation angle: A= ±19°/ C=360°
  • Equipped with Ball screw system for linear movements
  • 220 kg solid body
  • block holder and premilled
  • shaped C block holder

Technical specifications of c5 plus milling

Dimensions(W x D x H)[C5 Plus,C6]66 x 100 x 95 cm
Dimensions(W x D x H)[C5 Plus,K10] 115 x 100 x 95 cm
Weight[C5 Plus,C6]220Kg
Weight[C5 Plus,K10]340Kg
Tool changeAutomatic
Number of toolson board 18
High frequency spindle3.2Kw-60.000 rpm
Axis rotation angleA=±30°c=360°
Disk Ø#NAME?
Disk locking ØØ = 98mm with tailistock system
Liquid coolingexternal cooling
Tool diameter (shank)4 o 6 mm
Tool length37-50mm
Tool measurement accuracy± 0.001 mm(1µ)
Tool rupture detectionAutomatic
Power supply (single phase)220÷240 V; 50÷60HZ
Compressed air7 atm ( external )-100 litres /min
Brushless motorswith absolute encoder
Noise level< 60dB
Linear axis resolution± 0.00005 mm (0.05µ)
Rotation axis resolution± 0.0008 rad
Tool duplicate managementOptional
Arrangement for external suctionPrearranged
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